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Happy Birthday Lucky 😍

Lucky, you are my everything and even more. I feel that I’m definitely one of the luckiest! Happy Birthday.

My dear Lucky, on your special day I‘d like to wish you an exciting life, full of great discoveries and joyful surprises!

I’m making a very special birthday wish to the most amazing friend and an incredible wonderful crush. Happy Birthday.

I want to thank you, my dear, for being the most loving and caring friend in this entire world. No one understands me better than you. Wish you a Happy Birthday.

Although I never really enjoyed sharing my things with you I have always enjoyed sharing our childhood and love for each other. You’re most precious to me. It was such a great experience to grow up with a crazy and fun girl like you. I cherish all our sweet and exciting childhood memories. For me, you will always be that adorable little sister, happy birthday!

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